viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

A world in your eyes

Have you ever thought that you can see what people really feel through their eyes? Well it is true, eyes are like a windows to your soul, they show how you really feel. It's kind of difficult to believe in it, but it's true. Eyes show what you really feel, and even if you tried to deny it, you can't. Eyes are the most important thing, they show who you really are, and how you really feel. Eyes are such a simple thing, so beautiful, so small, but with such a great meaning.

When you are about to cry but you just smile, your eyes show a cloudy day with no hopes and dreams broken. Even though you might seem really happy and full of joy from the outside, the only thing that doesn't show it are your eyes. Your eyes show how you really feel from the inside, they show all the sadness you are feeling in that moment, and you can't do anything to try to deny it.

In another hand when you are happy, your eyes show a sunny day, full of hopes, joy, and happiness. They get so bright because you feel so happy. When you are happy, you might notice that your eyes get brighter, that they have a brighter colour than they usually do. Eyes show light, most of all. Light wish means happiness.

So eyes show how you really feel, who you really are. Eyes are beautiful and have a great meaning. Eyes are everything.

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